Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Radio Awards Show at DCTheatreScene.com

Sadly, this here blog has lain dormant for a while. We have had a busy summer with three productions at two fringe festivals... but I'm giddy to report that L'approved blog is about to make a comeback!

As the zombie Warren G. Harding would say, it's time for a "Return to Abnormalcy!"

In the coming weeks, we will report upon a plethora of cool Creepy Season events around DC, including an account of the adventures of The Diamond Dead in New York City! Insider tip: look for the Dead to rise on Halloween at a special event for the Capital Fringe Festival...

Let me begin the festivities by directing your attention to a good old-fashioned radio show online at DCTheatreScene.com:

This is an amusing DC Theatre Awards show produced by The Audible Group, which includes my friend from a past life Matthew Nielson. Our own guest artist Brittany Williams was nominated by the critics for an award for her role in Walmartopia last season.

If you aren't familiar with DC Theatre Scene, you should be! It's the most comprehensive source around for all things theatre in Washington, DC. The site was founded by a swell guy named Ronnie Ruff, and is helmed by the equally swell Lorraine and Tim Treanor, accompanied by a slew of local reviewers who love theatre.

I'm a particular fan of Joel Markowitz, who interviews some of the biggest stars in theatre, but still always makes time to subject himself to the most ridiculous podcasts imaginable with me and other Landless cronies. Seriously! He has been assaulted by "Bud" and "Doug" of GUTENBERG, and I once even serenaded him with an unexpected keytar ballad. Joel is always the champion of talented student and rising artists, he hooks us up with playwright-composers like Tom Hyndman (FICTITIOUS THE MUSICAL), and he is a self-proclaimed hater of FROZTY THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN... which does, in fact, prove that he has taste.

Joel would make an amazing publicist for someone, and if Landless wins the lottery (or ever gets some freakin' grant money), we will be the first in line!

I'm not always sure that DC needs any more theatre critics (after all, Landless itself has proven on occasion that one woman's trash is another woman's treasure), but these guys do a really good job of pairing up the right critic with the right show - in other words, the critic usually represents the intended audience. If you're the type of audience member who feels like you can't find a voice that represents you in The Washington Post or City Paper, you'll probably find one here. I also admire their commitment to all theatre in Washington, including the murky void that lies somewhere between Capital Fringe Festival and Studio Theatre. These folks are not afraid to hitch up their skirts and venture down into Adams Morgan!

Did I just write a review of a review website??


It's like standing in front of a mirror and looking into a mirror, looking into a mirror, looking into a mirror, looking into...

Well, you know. :)


DCTheatreScene.com is LANDLESS APPROVED!